Ama’s Kitchen

Learn how Ama’s Kitchen uses the simple menus from our virtual brands to make thousands more revenue.
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What we've achieved


average rating over the last three months


average revenue over the last three months


orders fulfilled in the last three months

The challenge

Tania, the owner of Ama’s Kitchen, was looking for a way to diversify the income for her cafe. She wanted to reduce risk and make sure that her business could thrive during quiet periods when dine-in customers were few and far between.

Ama’s Kitchen

The solution

Tania chose to work with Peckwater Brands because of her experience working with us in another one of her businesses (Jack’s Cafe). Our simple, delicious menus make it easy for her kitchen team to create food for online delivery. Plus, we incorporate existing ingredients as much as possible to make it easier for teams to prepare the food and to keep costs down.

We provide Tania and her team a high-level of support with regular operational excellence visits to make sure that the cafe’s food-delivery system was running smoothly. Tania also has regular contact with her Account Manager to review performance metrics and identify ways to attract more online customers in their local area.

Ama’s Kitchen
“I wanted to see if I could get another income stream. We opened the brand here and it did so well and had great results.”
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